OREANDA-NEWS Views on the American video hosting YouTube fell by only 10-15% in Russia, this is due to the fact that users continue to watch videos, including using a VPN, Vladimir Zykov, director of the Association of Professional Users of Social Networks and Messengers, told RIA Novosti.

"The average drop is only 10-15% in views. Many Russians have realized that YouTube works fine from mobile devices and continue to watch it that way. Someone uses a VPN to watch videos," Zykov said.

According to him, Russians are massively looking for technical means to watch videos on the American service. So, in addition to VPN, there are sites that allow you to watch content in high quality in real time. To use it, you need to insert a link to the video, and the service will find it and turn it on.

He added that although many decent domestic services have appeared in Russia, they will "never replace YouTube" in their fullness.
Telecom Daily CEO Denis Kuskov supported this position, explaining that the American video hosting took over more than a third - 35% - of all traffic on the Runet. "No one has that. This is a large library since 1997," the expert concluded.

In July, the head of the State Duma Committee on information Policy, Alexander Khinshtein, stated that the download speed of YouTube on computers could drop by 70%. He noted that this measure will not affect mobile communications yet. Later, Roskomnadzor told RIA Novosti that the grounds for taking action against YouTube are disrespect for Russia and its citizens, as well as numerous violations of the law.

Currently, VK Clips and VK Videos, Rutube, the MTS video service for NUUM and Pikabu videos and streams are present on the Russian market. And in June, the Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies (ROCIT) announced the launch of a domestic analogue of YouTube - video hosting Platform.