Western Union Has Warned of Problems with Transfers to China due to Virus
On the official website of Western Union, it's indicated that the company is closely monitoring the development of the situation with the coronavirus COVID-19, because of which "the opening hours of service points in the affected regions of China may differ from the standard one". The representative of Western Union refused to disclose the financial consequences of the difficulties, and also recommended that customers in the affected areas receive and send money using Western Union digital channels and partner banks.
The largest money transfer systems in Russia are Western Union, Zolotaya Korona, Unistream, Contact and Blizko (the latter does not make transfers to China). In 2019, $ 56.2 million was transferred through them from Russia to China, and the average amount of one transfer amounted to $ 948. This direction is the third largest volume of funds transferred after Turkey ($ 89.7 million) and Georgia ($ 69.7 million).