OREANDA-NEWS  Japan is close to providing assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $3.3 billion (5.2 trillion yen) from the proceeds from Russia's frozen assets, Kyodo news agency reported, citing diplomatic sources.

This will amount to about 6% of the total amount of $ 50 billion that the G7 countries have agreed to allocate as a loan to Ukraine. It will be repaid at the expense of interest from Russian assets frozen in the West. It is expected that the United States and the European Union countries will allocate 20 billion of this amount, the remaining 10 billion will have to be divided among themselves by Japan, Canada and the United Kingdom.

It is assumed that the issue of using the proceeds from frozen Russian assets will be discussed at a meeting of finance ministers and heads of central banks of the Seven countries in Rio de Janeiro on the sidelines of the G20 meeting. The money allocated by Japan will be used to provide non-military assistance, the article clarifies.

Russia's financial assets worth $33 billion have been frozen in Japan (equivalent to about 4 trillion yen in March 2022 and 5.2 trillion yen in July 2024). After the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the EU and the G7 countries froze almost half of the Russian Federation's foreign exchange reserves by about 300 billion euros. More than 200 billion euros are in the EU, mainly in the accounts of the Belgian Euroclear, one of the world's largest settlement and clearing systems.

Earlier, the Big Seven agreed to allocate a $50 billion loan to Ukraine, which will be reimbursed by interest from Russian assets frozen in the West.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called the freezing of Russian assets in Europe theft, noting that the EU is aimed not just at private individuals' funds, but also at Russian state assets. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia would be responsible in case of confiscation of frozen Russian assets in the West. According to him, the Russian Federation also has the opportunity not to return the funds that Western countries held in Russia.