OREANDA-NEWS In July, the United States increased purchases of fertilizers from Russia by 16% after three months of declining demand for them, according to an analysis by RIA Novosti of data from the American statistical service.

So, in July, American companies purchased $ 62.4 million worth of fertilizers from Russia, compared to $ 53.8 million a month earlier. Prior to that, US imports had been declining for three months — back in March, purchases were at the level of 174.2 million dollars.

The growth of Russian exports was due to nitrogen fertilizers — their supplies increased 1.7 times, to 44.4 million dollars. American companies also bought potash ($13.8 million) and phosphorus ($3.6 million) fertilizers.

As a result, Russia became the second main supplier of fertilizers to the United States, and its share increased to 12% from 7.8% a month earlier.
Canada remains the leader, although its exports decreased slightly in mid—summer - by 4.8%, to $ 295.9 million. Saudi Arabia, which sold $74.5 million worth of fertilizers to the States back in June, reduced exports to $100.8 thousand in July.

The top five exporters of fertilizers to the United States also include Israel (43.5 million dollars), Jordan (29.1 million) and Lebanon (14.6 million). At the same time, the latter resumed deliveries to the States after a pause of five months.