OREANDA-NEWS The Ministry of Industry and Trade has made changes to the list of goods allowed for parallel import, the ministry said.

"The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has made further changes to the list of goods for which the requirements for the protection of intellectual property rights by copyright holders (patent holders) do not apply and which were put into circulation outside the territory of the Russian Federation," the department clarified.

A transition period of six months is provided for new changes. During this time, the business will be able to sell existing batches of goods and fulfill obligations under contracts already concluded with foreign suppliers.

Other changes in the list are more specific in nature, related to the inclusion and exclusion of certain items.

"For example, the list has been supplemented by Kia and Hyundai brands, which is due to the significant number of cars of these brands used by Russian citizens. This will provide the domestic market with the necessary spare parts," the ministry said.

As specified in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, previously, only Kia cars could be imported into Russia through parallel imports. Now the list includes spare parts for them. As for Hyundai, the list included cars and a small number of automotive components. Now the list of components has been significantly expanded.