OREANDA-NEWS  The first electric train for the high-speed railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg is planned to be produced in 2027, the train will receive a certificate of conformity in 2028, Anton Zubikhin, Deputy General Director of the Sinara Group, told RIA Novosti.

"In 2027, the first electric train will be produced, it will go for certification, so that we receive a certificate of conformity in 2028," he said. "At the moment, we have signed a contract for two head prototypes with Russian Railways. And, as a matter of fact, we are currently working on concluding a contract with GTLK for 41 high-speed electric trains. In general, it is planned to use 43 electric trains on the VSM-1 (Moscow-St. Petersburg - ed.) according to the financial model," Zubikhin noted. According to him, Ural Locomotives, when creating a high-speed electric train, will maximally involve technological processes that will change for the construction of the Russian analogue of the Swallow, Finista.

"At the moment, the Ural Locomotives production complex is undergoing a very serious modernization. We plan to build two additional production complexes with a total area of 60 thousand square meters, which will house additional technological equipment," Zubikhin said.

The first elements of Russian high-speed trains will begin to be created this year, Alexander Misharin, Vice president of Sinara, told RIA Novosti. In April 2024, Russian Railways signed an agreement with Sinara for the manufacture of the first two trains for the Moscow –St. Petersburg HSR. The ready-to-use trains should be delivered by the end of March 2028.

High-speed is considered a specialized electrified double-track railway line for the operation of trains with speeds from 200 to 400 kilometers per hour. There are no such roads in Russia now. The pilot project will be the HSR between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in total it is planned to create five such routes.