OREANDA-NEWS  In its first resolution after the elections, the European Parliament (EP) condemned the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Russia on a peace mission. This became known from a press release published on the official website of the legislature.

"The Parliament condemns. The recent visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to the Russian Federation, who did not represent the EU and was a blatant violation of treaties and the EU's common foreign policy," the document says.

It is noted that Hungary must bear the consequences for these actions. The resolution also highlights the "inappropriateness" of Orban's alleged peacekeeping efforts.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the intention of European countries to provide military assistance to Ukraine is a response to Orban's peace initiative. According to him, the Europeans are trying to expose the Hungarian prime minister and completely disavow his powers.