OREANDA-NEWS The implementation of Hungary's promise to send refugees to Brussels would be a violation of EU laws, European Commission representative Anitta Hipper said at a briefing in the Belgian capital.

In August, the head of the Hungarian Prime Minister's office, Gergei Guyas, said that "if Brussels wants migrants, we will send them there."

"Such actions, if carried out, would be violations of EU rules. In addition, it could undermine the security of the Schengen area," she said.

Hipper added that "the European Commission is in contact with Hungary to refrain from such actions."

After the migration crisis in Europe, the Hungarian authorities began to pursue a strict policy towards migrants and refugees who cross the country's borders. Budapest has been sharply criticized by the UN and European Union humanitarian agencies for this. In June, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg sentenced Hungary to a fine of 200 million euros, as well as to payments of one million euros daily due to refusal to comply with previous court decisions related to violations of pan-European rules on the reception of migrants. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Budapest will not change its migration policy, and the EU court is run by American billionaire George Soros.

Tamas Mentzer, communications director of the Hungarian ruling Fidesz -Christian Democratic People's Party alliance, said that Hungary could allow illegal migrants through its territory to Austria and Germany if the European Union does not cancel the fine for Budapest's failure to comply with EU migration rules.