OREANDA-NEWS  Attempts to agree on the terms of peace talks with Ukraine without Russia's participation are unacceptable, Russian Consul General in Istanbul Andrey Buravov told RIA Novosti.

In particular, the diplomat mentioned the upcoming summit on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine in Switzerland, which will be held on June 15-16.

"This is an attempt to agree on certain conditions without Russia, and then present to it, as the opinion of a certain world majority, those negotiating conditions on which the Russian Federation will be invited to conduct a conversation. This is an absolutely unacceptable position," Buravov stressed. He called the formula of peace of the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky unrealistic and utopian.

Earlier, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the Swiss summit an empty pastime. At the same time, he stressed that Moscow would closely monitor him. He also stressed that Switzerland, by not inviting Russia to the event, had moved away from its long-standing position of neutrality.