OREANDA-NEWS  The Czech Republic will no longer allow entry to Russians who do not have a biometric passport, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky said on Thursday.

"Security is a priority for our government. (...) Anyone who wants to stay in our country must prove that he is who he claims to be. For Russians, a non-biometric passport will no longer be sufficient," he wrote on the social network X.

At the same time, Lipavsky recalled the explosion in Vrbetice in 2014. According to him, those involved in it had non-biometric passports.

An explosion in Sackcloth occurred in 2014, when two people died. In 2021, the Czech authorities announced their decision to expel 18 Russian diplomats. According to Prague, these were intelligence officers working under diplomatic cover. The Czech authorities took this step because, according to their version, the Russian special services were involved in this explosion.