OREANDA-NEWS  The Tagansky court of Moscow fined Telegram Messenger Inc. for committing an offense of not deleting content prohibited in the Russian Federation.

"Telegram Messenger Inc. was found guilty of committing an administrative offense, he was given an administrative penalty in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 4 million rubles," the court said.

The Company was found guilty of failing to delete the information to be eliminated (Part 2 of Article 13.41 of the Administrative Code).

According to the court, this is Telegram's seventh fine since the beginning of the year for violating Russian laws.

In recent years, the largest Internet services - Apple, Google, Telegram, Facebook (an information resource of an organization banned in the Russian Federation), Twitter, TikTok, the Wikimedia Foundation - have repeatedly been held accountable in Russia for not removing prohibited content. Such cases, in particular, are related to the failure of companies to disclose unreliable, in the opinion of the relevant departments, information about the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.