Sony Warned of a Possible Increase in Prices on PlayStation Console Due to a Trade War
"We believe that we notified the US government that an increase in tariffs for Chinese electronics goods would ultimately damage the United States itself", Totoki said. He added that Sony "hasn't yet finally decided how it will react to tariff expansion, but is exploring options, including the possibility of placing a part of the burden on consumers". Today, the corporation’s financial director explained, Sony’s “not strongly affected” tariffs, but the company, he said, will remain vigilant against potential risk.
The PlayStation business is Sony's most profitable division. Chinese firms working with a Japanese corporation, produce most of the components of this game console. Earlier, Sony announced that it plans to introduce the next-generation video set-up by 2020. The new model, the developers believe, will initially include several more expensive technologies that will increase its price even without the tariffs that the United States introduces for Chinese goods.
Earlier it was reported that China will not go to the conclusion of a trade transaction, if the United States does not show due respect and won't conduct a dialogue on an equal basis. This is stated in a special commentary, published on Tuesday by the Xinhua news agency before the 12th round of the Sino-US trade talks scheduled for July 30-31 in Shanghai.