OREANDA-NEWS. The schoolgirl invented a story of rape in the center of Moscow because of fear of her parents - she was afraid to return home drunk after meeting with her friends and therefore invented a legend for herself. This was announced on Monday, November 1, by the SHOT Telegram channel.

According to the published material, the girl had scheduled a meeting with her friends at home, they had stocked up on alcohol in advance. Girl’s mom accompanied the girl to the bus, not suspecting what she was planning.

By the time she needed to return, the schoolgirl was intoxicated, so she decided to turn off the phone and not go home.

When she did appear at home, she told her parents about the rape - according to her version, she was attacked by a man of asian appearance in a mask and dark clothes. The parents immediately reported this to the police.

The police looked at all the CCTV cameras and realized that the story of the "victim" was fiction. She continued to insist on her testimony for a whole day, only then confessed.

The girl's parents explained to the police that the last year for the schoolgirl turned out to be difficult - before she studied well, participated in the olympiads. According to her parents, she contacted a bad company and cannot get out of her influence.