OREANDA-NEWS The beginning of a magnetic storm of almost the fourth level on a five-point scale was registered by ground-based magnetometers, the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics reported on Tuesday.

"The jump in the parameters of the surrounding space gas was registered at about 01:30 Moscow time, and about 4:30 a.m. the strongest changes occurred. This moment was registered by ground-based magnetometers as the beginning of a magnetic storm of level 3.66 (almost 4 on a 5-point scale)," the message posted on the laboratory's website says.

It is noted that after ten hours of being in the peripheral regions of the solar plasma cloud, the Earth was "hooked" by the ejection core.

According to official information, the scale of strength of magnetic storms consists of five levels. Magnetic storms of the fourth level (G4) are very strong. They have an impact on energy and ground systems, as well as on spacecraft. When the G4 magnetic storm affects ground-based systems, satellite navigation deteriorates for several hours, voltage stability problems and partial destruction of energy systems are possible on power systems, as well as disconnection of protective systems, etc.