OREANDA-NEWS The V World Nomad Games (WIC) ended in the capital of Kazakhstan, the Russian national team took third place, earning 12 gold, 10 silver and 25 bronze medals.

The first place was awarded to the team of Kazakhstan, the second to the national team of Kyrgyzstan.

The Fifth World Nomad Games gathered almost 2.5 thousand participants from about 90 countries, including athletes and coaches. Russia was represented by 172 athletes at the Games, they competed under the national flag. The total prize fund amounted to 250 million tenge (about 520 thousand dollars).

This year, 21 sports were presented at the Games, including national wrestling, goat fighting (kokpar), horse wrestling, falconry, power and intellectual competitions.
The most striking disciplines of the V World Nomad Games held in Astana are in the material of RIA Novosti.

Kokpar is an equestrian game popular among the peoples of Central Asia. According to the rules, a team consisting of 12 people tries to capture the carcass of a goat and deliver it to the designated circle at the other end of the field. Currently, a dummy weighing about 30 kilograms is used. The game is considered quite traumatic. Players risk at least falling, as the horses gallop at full speed, collide with each other and maneuver sharply.