Russia's Ministry of Energy Responded to NYT's Article on the Introduction of US into Russian Power Grids
“The Russian power grids have a high level of protection”, the report says. To reduce risks, Russian technologies and equipment are used, the press service added. On June 15, The New York Times reported, citing former and current US officials, that Washington had placed malicious computer code on the Russian grid. In the event that there is a “major conflict” between Moscow and Washington, this code can be used for cyber attacks, the article said.
Two newspaper interlocutors in the US administration have said that President Donald Trump is not aware of the steps to introduce malicious code into the power grid. Sources in the Pentagon and US intelligence circles said that their departments refrain from telling the president in detail about the steps against Russia after he told classified intelligence to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in 2017.
US President Donald Trump called the publication of the material an act of betrayal. The NYT replied that the US National Security Council said that the publication doesn't create security threats. “It was reported that you personally approved a cyber attack against Russia around the middle of last year to stop interfering in the mid-term elections”, the journalist began. “I would prefer not to say that”, Trump responded. "But you can believe that all these things happened and happened under my administration."