OREANDA-NEWS In August, rental housing in Russia rose sharply in price — prices for rental housing increased more in a month than in the entire second quarter of 2024. Such data are provided by analysts of the federal portal "World of Apartments" in their research.

Thus, rental rates for one—room apartments increased by an average of 9.2 percent (up to 25.7 thousand rubles per month), for two—room apartments - by 8.4 percent (up to 32.2 thousand rubles), and for three-room apartments - by 6.7 percent (up to 38.8 thousand rubles).

Pavel Lutsenko, General Director of the World of Apartments, explained that the price increase in the rental market occurred against the background of the cancellation of preferential mortgages — buying their own homes became inaccessible to many Russians,
and they decided to rent apartments.

"Demand has increased, but supply has decreased: there are 26 percent fewer one—room apartments on the market, 18 percent fewer two—room apartments, and 8 percent fewer three-room apartments. We expect this trend to continue and strengthen," Lutsenko added.

Most of all, rented apartments have risen in price in Tolyatti. Rental rates for "one—bedroom apartments" increased by 15.4 percent (up to 21 thousand rubles per month), for "two—bedroom apartments" - by 24.8 percent (up to 27.7 thousand rubles), and for "three-bedroom apartments" - by 24.1 percent (up to 33.9 thousand rubles). Vladikavkaz and Izhevsk were also among the leaders in price growth, analysts noted.

In Moscow, one—room apartments rose in price by 6.6 percent over the month (up to 52.4 thousand rubles per month), two—room apartments - by 7.2 percent (up to 64.9 thousand rubles per month), and three-room apartments - by 3.8 percent (up to 74.9 thousand rubles per month).