OREANDA-NEWS The Polish military unfairly accuses Russia of an "information and psychological" operation in connection with the flooding in the country, without giving any specific facts of such activity in cyberspace.

Due to abnormally heavy rains in the south of Poland, flooding occurred - rivers overflowed their banks, settlements were flooded, people were evacuated, several deaths are already known. The Polish Cabinet of Ministers has introduced a natural disaster regime in flood-prone areas.

"In connection with the flooding taking place in southwestern Poland, we are dealing with an information and psychological operation of the Russian Federation," reads a statement posted on the official account of the Polish Armed Forces Cyber Defense Forces on platform X.

The Polish military claims that Russia "uses the technique of selective selection of information in cyberspace and seeks to evoke emotions of fear and helplessness in recipients."

It is claimed that one of the elements of the "operation" is "an attempt to undermine confidence in the state security structures of Poland."

At the same time, the Polish military does not provide any specific facts of Russian activity in cyberspace regarding the flooding in Poland.

In the West and in the Western media, accusations against the Russian Federation are often made on various occasions, including alleged interference in internal affairs. At the same time, no evidence is provided, and in the future such stuffing is not confirmed, as it was, for example, with the topic of alleged interference in the US elections. In the Russian Federation, such statements are rejected and called unfounded. This was also the case with the allegations circulated in the Western media about the threat posed by Russian fishermen to Denmark - it was claimed that the extension of the fishing agreement between Russia and the Faroe Islands would allegedly allow Moscow to "spy on the West through this territory." These stuffing, as Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova later told RIA Novosti, were aimed at destroying relations between Moscow and Torshavn, she called them part of the West's campaign against Russia.