OREANDA-NEWS Armenia does not intend to break off relations with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) or with Russia, but the country faces the task of diversifying its economy. This was stated by Prime Minister of the Republic Nikol Pashinyan, quoted by TASS.

"Yes, we have increased our trade turnover with the EAEU, we want to increase it with the EU," the head of government said. According to his quote, quoted by Interfax, economic diversification is a process in which the Armenian authorities "work with both the European Union and the United States."

Pashinyan also said that Armenia will not miss the chance to become a member of the EU when there is a "more or less real opportunity to join."

In 2022, against the background of large—scale anti-Russian sanctions by Western countries, the trade turnover of the Russian Federation and Armenia almost doubled, but then there were interruptions in trade, in connection with which, on the one hand, the Transcaucasian republic declared incomprehensible and unexpected claims to its products, on the other hand, representatives of the ruling party called for considering options for limiting supplies from Russia.