Nigeria Is the First in Africa to Lift Quarantine Measures from May 4
To replace the quarantine in the country, a curfew is introduced from 20:00 to 06:00. The requirement to wear medical masks is established, the ban on assembly is maintained, and testing of the population for coronavirus is expanding.
"The phased and gradual easing of restrictive measures in the metropolitan area, in the state of Lagos and in the state of Ogun has been approved", said Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari in a televised address to the nation. In these regions, there was a ban on the movement of citizens and orders to stay in their homes with permission to go only to grocery stores and pharmacies. Starting Monday, these restrictions are lifted.
According to the World Health Organization, in Africa, 31,714 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed, 1,414 people died. South of the Sahara, South Africa (4,546 and 87 people), Cameroon (1,621 and 56), and Ghana (1,550 and 11) are the leaders in the number of infected and dead. Nigeria is in 4th place.