OREANDA-NEWS  MTS's daughter, Stream Digital LLC, has completed settlements within the framework of the offer for the repurchase of shares of MTS PJSC valid for non-residents, according to its message.

In total, Stream Digital bought 26,155,547 MTS ordinary shares (1.31% of all issued shares of companies) for 2.48 billion rubles.

The MTS statement notes that the tender offer was attended by, among others, holders of MTS shares through the Euroclear Bank SA/NV infrastructure. Settlements with them were carried out in euros.

The tender offer was attended by investors from the United States, Great Britain, the European Union and Asia, MTS noted.

MTS announced the launch of the tender offer on April 27, and it was valid until June 18. According to its terms, Stream Digital LLC was ready to buy up to 83,932,026 MTS shares (up to 4.2% of the company's shares) at 95 rubles per paper. The offer extended, in particular, to JPMorgan Chase as the depository bank of the company's share depository receipts program.

The permits received for the transaction provide for the possibility of additional repurchase of MTS shares from non-residents - the company does not exclude that it will consider such an opportunity in the future.