OREANDA-NEWS By arresting Telegram founder Pavel Durov, the French authorities did the right thing. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, his words are quoted by BelTA.

"We saw it better in France yesterday. And I don't blame them. They're doing the right thing. The Durovs are not Durovs... I'm sorry — go answer. But why make claims against us when we begin to defend ourselves with the same methods as they do?" he supported the arrest of the Russian businessman.

Lukashenko also recalled the actions of the French authorities during the yellow vest protests in 2018. According to him, then the French president justified police violence by the presence of democracy in the country, criticizing Lukashenko for "dictatorship."

Earlier, the president of Belarus said that Minsk was being offered to turn away from Moscow to Kiev. According to Lukashenko, he is currently receiving proposals from "all sides" that are 99 percent unacceptable to Minsk.