OREANDA-NEWS Lithuanian border guards seized five camouflage pants from the mail carriage of the Kaliningrad-Moscow train. The confiscated cargo will be transferred to Ukraine as aid, the press service of the Lithuanian customs reported.

The pants were seized on October 2 in accordance with the EU Council regulation on sanctions against Russia (No. 833/2014, category VIII) as an item of possible military use, since such clothing is used for camouflage. The agency considered that these pants were intended for Russians in the zone of military operation. In addition, on October 1, Lithuanian border guards seized five camouflage nets on a train from Kaliningrad, and on September 27 and 29, they confiscated camouflage nets for masking guns.

"Such parcels, according to customs officials, intended for Russian troops fighting against Ukraine, are most often sent by members of various volunteer organizations operating in the Kaliningrad region of Russia. Confiscated goods are transferred by Lithuanian customs as support for Ukraine," the Lithuanian customs said.

Lithuanian Customs recalled that for the transportation of military goods, a one-time permit issued by the Ministry of Defense is required, but now such documents are not issued.

RBC contacted the Russian Railways press service for comment, sent a request to the Russian Embassy in Lithuania and the Lithuanian Embassy in Russia.