OREANDA-NEWS  Finland, as part of the amendments to the law on foreigners, plans to tighten a number of rules relating to entry into the country from September 1, according to a statement published on the government's website.

"The new amendments to the legislation will make it possible to prevent evasion of entry regulations more effectively than before. At a meeting on July 4, the Government proposed to the President of the Republic to approve amendments to the law on foreigners and the law on researchers and students. The President of the Republic must approve the amendments on July 5, and they will enter into force on September 1, 2024," the government's website says.

According to the report, the law on foreigners will prescribe every situation in which a residence permit may be refused. Among the grounds for refusal are the provision of false information, illegal stay, illegal work in the country, as well as a marriage of convenience.

In addition, stricter requirements will be introduced to confirm the identity of asylum seekers. They will also not be able to change the legal grounds for staying in the country, for example, related to work, in order to obtain a residence permit. "This will prevent cases when an applicant applies for asylum with the sole purpose of finding a job or studying in Finland," the government explains.

Also, according to the amendments, the changes will involve adding biometric data to the information about the refusal of entry into the Schengen information system.