OREANDA-NEWS  In Estonia, by 2025, construction of a defense line will begin, within which 600 concrete bunkers will be erected on the border with Russia. The details of the plan of the republic's authorities to create a system of fortifications were revealed in a conversation with the ERR portal by the head of the infrastructure department of the State Center for Defense Investments, Kadi-Kai Kollo.

"We have signed a contract with an enterprise that is supposed to produce three different prototypes of bunkers for us. In September, we plan to start testing them," the official's words are quoted in the publication.

She added that after testing the samples, a tender will be announced for the creation of a line of fortifications. It is planned to start the construction of fortifications closer to 2025.

Earlier, Estonian Prime Minister Kaya Kallas commented on the status of the Baltic defense line project on the border with Russia and Belarus. According to her, Brussels has received a request for funds for the construction of fortifications.