04.02.2020, 12:22
EAEU Enters into Force New Rules for Transporting Money Across the Border
OREANDA-NEWS. The new rules for the transfer of cash across the border came into force in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union on February 4. This is stated in a message on the website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.
An individual shall, at a one-time movement across the customs border of the union of cash and (or) monetary instruments, the amount of which exceeds $ 100 thousand, must not only declare these funds, but also provide documents that confirm their origin.
In particular, we are talking about bank documents on withdrawing funds from an account, performing conversion operations, obtaining loans, as well as documents that confirm the completion of civil transactions, such as inheritance or gift. If there are no such documents, transfer of money and (or) monetary instruments across the customs border of the EAEU isn't allowed.
An individual shall, at a one-time movement across the customs border of the union of cash and (or) monetary instruments, the amount of which exceeds $ 100 thousand, must not only declare these funds, but also provide documents that confirm their origin.
In particular, we are talking about bank documents on withdrawing funds from an account, performing conversion operations, obtaining loans, as well as documents that confirm the completion of civil transactions, such as inheritance or gift. If there are no such documents, transfer of money and (or) monetary instruments across the customs border of the EAEU isn't allowed.