OREANDA-NEWS Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, in a conversation with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, thanked him for saving his life, Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson said.

The Northern Mariana Islands Court on Wednesday sentenced Assange to time already served and released him, indicating that the case was closed. The plane carrying the founder of the Wikileaks service landed in the Australian capital of Canberra about an hour ago.

On the morning of June 24, Assange was released from a British prison on bail after he agreed with the American prosecutor's office to partially plead guilty.

"I can say that when we landed in Australia, it was a very emotional moment for me, and the prime minister was the first person who called to talk to Julian. Julian thanked him and the team and told the premier that he had saved his life. And I don't think this is an exaggeration," Assange's lawyer said on ABC television.
Assange was released from a British prison on the morning of June 24 after agreeing with the American prosecutor's office on a partial guilty plea. This confession allowed him to be released after five years, which the journalist has already spent behind bars. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called this event a victory for media workers around the world.