45% of Brazilians Support the Start of Impeachment Process Bolsonaru
According to the study, 45% of the country's population advocate that the National Congress - the parliament of the republic - begin consideration of the initiative to impeach Bolsonaru. Another 48% of Brazilians are of the opposite opinion, and 6% of respondents were not able to answer the question. The error rate is 3%. Thus, the numerical advantage of the opponents of impeachment over its supporters does not exceed the statistical error.
At the same time, according to the same survey, 46% of Brazilians believe that Bolsonaru himself should resign. 50% of respondents do not agree with this opinion and are convinced that the head of state shouldn't voluntarily leave his post.
The authors of the study also asked respondents to evaluate the activities of the government formed by Bolsonar. 33% of Brazilians called the executive’s activity “good” or “very good”. 38% of respondents consider the cabinet’s actions to be “bad” or “very bad.”