OREANDA-NEWS Recently, the volume of the gray taxi market in the Telegram messenger and the VKontakte social network has increased in Russia. This is reported by the newspaper Kommersant with reference to the data of the analytical agency Pressindex.

The corresponding study was conducted at the request of the ANO "Digital Platforms". According to its results, it turned out that currently there is a large-scale network of chat rooms and groups for calling a taxi in the Russian segment of the Internet. So, in the Telegram messenger, analysts have identified a total of 234 similar groups and 29 chatbots. In turn, according to experts, there are 3.8 thousand such groups on the VKontakte social network.

Experts emphasize that the number of such services on the Internet has grown significantly recently. Such communities have become several times larger. As for Telegram itself, in this messenger, analysts have identified illegal aggregator channels that have introduced a commission for drivers. All this, as market participants point out, is happening against the background of rising prices in traditional aggregators.

Against the background of a sharp increase in the volume of the gray taxi market on the Internet, the head of the ANO "Digital Platforms" Arseny Shcheltsin appealed to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin with a request to support the initiative implying the introduction of digitalization of licensing procedures in the field of passenger taxis in the country. In addition, the organization calls on the authorities to assist in the implementation of experimental legal regimes.

The increase in prices for taxi services in traditional aggregators will continue further, Mikhail Mikhailov, head of the Association for the Promotion of the Taxi Industry, warned earlier. According to him, such dynamics will become inevitable against the background of a massive outflow of drivers from the industry. As the expert explained, it is possible to stop the negative trend only by increasing the basic tariff for such passenger transportation. In addition, the further development of the situation will be influenced by a significant increase in the cost of servicing cars involved in taxis.