In the six months of 2019, 7,702 new motorcycles were sold on the Russian market, which is 40.7% more than in the same period last year. This was announced on August 9 by the analytical agency Avtostat.
More than 20 flights were delayed or canceled at three airports in Moscow on Friday morning. This was reported by the Yandex.
The Peruvian authorities, due to threats from the local population, evacuated an international team of researchers from the Mount Huascaran in the Andes, which includes Russian scientists. This was reported by Andina.
For the first time since 2015, Ukraine allowed a Russian aircraft to enter its airspace.
Georgia has lost third place in the top 10 most popular destinations for independent tourists due to the rise in price of air travel from Russia, according to data.
A message bottle dated June 20, 1969 was discovered in Alaska. The photo of the find is published on Facebook.