This was reported by Interfax news agency, citing a source.
However, Deputy Prime Minister said that only three countries meet the conditions for opening borders on a reciprocal basis: Great Britain, Turkey, and Tanzania.
Several passengers were injured because of the maneuvers carried out by the plane.
The station Tianwen-1 should reach the red planet on February 11, 2021.
Airlines will be able to start using the passenger aircraft not earlier than February 2021.
The company followed the example of Volkswagen, BMW and Nissan, and moved towards simplifying graphics.
Earlier, it was reported that the Japanese launch vehicle H-IIA with the UAE space probe Al Amal for the study of Mars was launched from the site on the island of Tanega-shima.
“The European Union… expects Russia to accept its responsibility and to fully cooperate with efforts to establish accountability,” the declaration says.
“Due to the hazardous security situation, and poor coordination between civil aviation and military operations, there is a risk of misidentification of civil aircraft,” the message reads.
“It is planned that in the period from the second half of July to the first half of August, the first Chinese mission to explore Mars, Tianwen-1, will be launched,” the release of the CASC says.
Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Finland, China, Vietnam, Mongolia and Sri-Lanka are in the list.