OREANDA-NEWS  The final assembly of Lada Iskra cars should begin in Russia by the end of this year. Details about the preparation of the release of the new model were revealed by Dmitry Kostromin, Vice President for Sales and marketing of the domestic AvtoVAZ concern. His words are quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

Kostromin noted that currently the preparation for the production of the new model is going according to plan. Now work is underway to set up the conveyor from which these cars will leave. He also stressed that the assembly speed would be low at the first stage. This is necessary in order to ensure the guaranteed quality of cars. "Then we will gradually accelerate. By the way, this also applies to options," Kostromin explained.

He added that the concern does not exclude the possibility of producing a sports version of Lada Iskra in the medium term. However, now such a question is not being considered by the management of AvtoVAZ. As for the cost of the new model, "it will be between Granta and Vesta," the top manager concluded.

The official presentation of the Lada Iskra sedan took place at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2024) in June 2024. The start of production of the new model in the concern was scheduled for next year, and the total investment in the project amounted to 23 billion rubles. Maxim Sokolov, President of AvtoVAZ, said at SPIEF 2024 that the cost of new cars would range from 1 to 1.2 million rubles.