OREANDA-NEWS Trade turnover between Russia and Egypt has grown significantly over the year, Moscow and Cairo intend to maintain this trend, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"The positive dynamics of trade and economic cooperation cannot but inspire: at the end of last year, the volume of bilateral trade turnover amounted to more than $ 7 billion, which is significantly higher than the previous year. And we have a common intention to do everything to ensure that this positive trend continues and strengthens," he said on Monday at a press conference in Moscow following talks with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel Ata.

Lavrov noted that the parties highly appreciated the activities of the Russian-Egyptian intergovernmental commission. The Russian Foreign Minister said that Abdel Ata met in Moscow with the Minister of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation Anton Alikhanov, who headed the Russian part of the intergovernmental commission.

Lavrov stressed that during the talks he discussed with his Egyptian counterpart the implementation of the El-Dabaa nuclear power plant project, as well as the creation of a Russian industrial zone in Egypt in the Suez Canal zone.

"Considerable attention was paid to issues related to the supply of Russian grain products to the Egyptian market, and their sustainability was noted," Lavrov said.