OREANDA-NEWS  In the first quarter of 2024, Georgia became the main supplier of still and fortified wines to Russia. The leader in terms of supply volumes was named by experts of one of the largest alcohol companies in the Russian Federation, Luding Group, as quoted by RIA Novosti.

In 2024, the volume of imports of still and fortified wines from unfriendly countries continued to fall - in three months it decreased by almost six percent. As previously stated in Eurostat, wine imports from Spain decreased the most — by seven times, to 253 tons. Supplies of Lithuanian wines (up to 1.2 thousand tons) and German wines (531 tons) fell fourfold.

At the same time, Georgia increased supplies, displacing Italy, which was the main supplier by the end of 2023. In three months, imports from the former USSR Republic increased by 44.1 percent year-on-year and reached 24.6 percent of total imports of still and fortified wines, while Italy's share decreased to 22.1 percent.

In general, the volume of supplies of still and fortified wines from friendly countries increased by 19.6% year—on-year, and from unfriendly countries it decreased by 5.4%.

A sharp increase in the supply of Georgian wine to Russia was also noted by the National Statistics Service of the Republic. According to the department's analysts, exports increased 1.9 times in four months compared to the same period in 2023 and reached the level of 37.04 thousand tons. In monetary terms, the figure has almost doubled — from 52.3 to 99.5 million dollars.