OREANDA-NEWS The European Union doubled wine supplies to Russia in July after their volume fell to a minimum in almost fifteen years in early summer, according to an analysis by RIA Novosti of Eurostat data.

European exports of this product to Russia decreased throughout the second quarter, until in June they reached the minimum since January 2010 of 6.3 thousand tons. However, already in July, supplies unexpectedly jumped almost twice - to 12.1 thousand tons.

Wine sales have been increased by all European suppliers. Among the major exporters, supplies increased the most from Spain - by 2.4 times, to 980 tons, and from Latvia - by 2.2 times, to 1.4 thousand tons. Italy (4,9 thousand tons), Portugal (1,3 thousand tons) and Germany (about 800 tons) approximately doubled their sales.

Interestingly, the supply of sparkling wines increased more than other types - by 2.4 times versus 1.8 times. Sparkling wines were imported in July 3,7 thousand tons, and others - 8,3 thousand.

Last year, the Russian government increased import duties on wines from unfriendly countries from 12.5% to 20%, but not less than $ 1.5 per liter. Initially, the measure was in effect from August 1 to the end of 2023, and then it was extended for the whole of 2024. And at the beginning of August this year, the government increased duties to 25%, but not less than $ 2 per liter.