OREANDA-NEWS Grain and industrial crops grown in the Kherson region are mainly exported to China, Turkey and India, Governor Vladimir Saldo told RIA Novosti.

"Exporters purchasing grain and industrial crops from producers in the Kherson region mainly send products to China, Turkey and India," said Saldo.

According to him, the harvesting campaign this year in the Kherson region began in the first decade of June.

"At the moment, about 10% of the total area of crops has been harvested. More than 150 thousand tons have been harvested. The expected gross harvest this year is about 1.2 million tons," the governor said.

Kherson region is a region of Russia located in the lower reaches of the Dnieper River, washed by the Azov and Black Seas. The region became a subject of the Russian Federation following a referendum in September 2022. The Ukrainian side does not recognize its legitimacy and continues to shell the territory. Currently, 75% of the Kherson region is under Russian control, and part of the right bank of the Dnieper, including the city of Kherson, is held by Ukrainian troops.