OREANDA-NEWS According to the results of the first half of the year, sales of condoms and contraceptive pills in Russia increased both in monetary and in kind terms. The amount spent on such funds has become the maximum in at least five years. Vedomosti writes about this with reference to the report of the analytical company DSM Group.

The revenue of pharmacy chains increased to 19.3 billion rubles. Over the same period last year, the result was 16.7 billion rubles, and in 2022 — 17.2 billion rubles. In the previous three years, sales were at the level of 12.1-13.5 billion.

As for the units of goods, the 36.6 network said that the sale of condoms increased by 8 percent, and contraceptive pills by 10 percent. The Zdravcity marketplace reported a 22 percent increase in sales of contraceptive pills. Wildberries reported an increase in the sale of contraceptives by 25 percent year-on-year.

Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics, believes that the growing awareness of young people in matters of sex education is responsible for the dynamics. In addition, the opening of marketplace order points in small towns has made contraceptives more accessible. Nikolay Bespalov, Director of Development at RNC Pharma, added that the economic situation in the country also contributed to the sale of contraceptives, because Russians postpone the birth of children.

Earlier it was reported that in the first ten weeks of 2024, sales of pregnancy tests reached 612 million rubles, which was a record for the last five years.