OREANDA-NEWS Since the beginning of 2024, various categories of fruit and vegetable products have noticeably risen in price in Russia, analysts have recorded similar dynamics despite the seasonality factor. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper with reference to statistical data from Rusprodsoyuz experts.

During this period of time, retail prices for apples, in particular, increased by 30 percent and reached the level of 159.8 rubles per kilogram. In turn, the cost of beetroot increased by 92.3 percent, to 70 rubles per kilogram, and carrots — by 62.8 percent, also to 70 rubles per kilogram, analysts said.

Rosstat reported a noticeable rise in the price of other vegetable crops. Thus, according to experts, by June, potato prices in Russia increased by 82.4 percent compared to the beginning of January, and the cost of cabbage rose by 35 percent, onions — by 32 percent.

Against the background of the growing harvest, experts expressed the hope that with an increase in supply, retail chains will adjust prices for key categories of fruit and vegetable products. However, by now there is no such dynamics in the Russian market, the analysts summarized. The Ministry of Agriculture assured that they keep prices on the food market under special control, including the cost of fruits and vegetables.

Earlier, Yaroslav Abramov, Key account manager at Grodan, announced a noticeable rise in the price of popular types of berries in Russia. According to him, by the end of June 2024, the average price of raspberries in the country rose to 783 rubles per kilogram, and the cost of cherries rose to 486 rubles. Strawberries, in turn, rose in price to about 551 rubles. He explained such dynamics by the negative consequences of drought and spring frosts in a number of Russian regions.