OREANDA-NEWS Frosts recorded in May 2024 in the south of Russia damaged about 100 hectares of vines in the Rostov region, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the region told Interfax on Tuesday.

"Due to the spring frosts in the Rostov region, grape plantations in such areas as Martynovsky, Ust-Donetsky, Bagaevsky, Neklinovsky, Kamensky were partially affected," the representative of the department said.

According to him, the laying of grape plantations is currently being carried out in the region. "According to the plans, the laying of vineyards will be no less than last year's figure," he added.

Earlier it became known that the Rostov region in 2023 increased the area of vineyards by 20% compared to 2022, to 56 hectares. The region expects to increase the area of vineyards to 3 thousand hectares by 2030, such indicators are defined in the yet-to-be-adopted strategy for the development of viticulture and winemaking in the region.

It was also reported that the Rostov region this year recorded damage or death of about 858.3 thousand hectares of early grain and leguminous crops due to frosts.