Trade and services: articles for 04.07.2019

04.07.2019, 14:53
Employees of the Genotek Medical Genetic Center investigated the genomes of 4,000 people and found that 13 percent of people have changes in the ADORA2A gene.
04.07.2019, 14:19
The Ministry of Defense of Belarus called the alleged cause of the death of a woman during the timed to coincide with the Independence Day of the country and the salute held in Minsk the poor quality of the charges.
04.07.2019, 14:07
As the executive director of Naftogaz, Yuri Vitrenko, said, the company is preparing to completely stop the transit of Russian gas after 2019.
04.07.2019, 13:13

Sales of games on physical media were a plus for the first time in five years.

04.07.2019, 10:15

The number of ads for the sale of business grew by more than a quarter (27%) over the year, Avito experts estimate.

04.07.2019, 09:19

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that by 2023, Russia is planning to release six types of potent analgesics.

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