OREANDA-NEWS Europe is burning gas reserves much faster than in previous years. Bloomberg writes about this, citing sources.

"The lower the storage levels at the end of March, the more difficult it will be for the region to replenish reserves before next winter," said Samantha Dart, head of natural gas research at Goldman Sachs Group.

The publication pointed to the fastest decline in gas reserves in Europe over the past seven years. It is noted that at the moment, the gas storage facilities of European countries are filled by only 70 percent, compared with 86 percent at the beginning of 2024.

The authors also pointed to a possible decrease in stocks due to the upcoming cold snap in Europe. Journalists emphasize that rapid depletion can make it difficult to accumulate reserves before the next heating season and risks affecting short-term prices.

Earlier, former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl commented on the situation on the liquefied natural gas market. She stressed that Europeans should worry about their gas availability on a daily basis.