OREANDA-NEWS  The Lukoil oil company has asked the government to increase support for the industry by extending the investment premium to the reverse excise tax on oil to new refining projects. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to a letter from the head of the company Vadim Vorobyov.

Lukoil needed support for the construction of new diesel dewaxing and hydroisomerization units for oil fractions at the Volgograd Oil Refinery. They will increase the annual output of diesel fuel by 1.2 million tons, including 500 thousand tons of winter varieties.

According to Vorobyov, without government support, the project will be economically inefficient. Petromarket estimates the growth of federal budget expenditures in 2026-2032 due to a new surcharge of 85-130 billion rubles, it depends on the exchange rate of the Russian currency.

The investment supplement to the reverse excise tax was introduced in 2021, in order to receive support, enterprises had to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Energy no later than October 2021. The head of Lukoil proposed to extend the deadline for concluding such agreements until 2026, and the deadline for receiving the surcharge itself by two years, until 2033. The company would like the bill to be approved already in the autumn session of the State Duma.