OREANDA-NEWS  After the decision to renew the ban on gasoline exports in August, the Russian government began considering a similar measure for diesel fuel. Kommersant writes about this with reference to several sources.

Such a decision can be made in relation to oil refineries and traders in the event of an aggravation of the price situation. At the same time, an interlocutor of the publication in one of the oil companies believes that so far there are no prerequisites for the imposition of an embargo, but the signals are coming just in case and as a warning.

Since the beginning of the year, the exchange value of diesel has increased by 21 percent, to 62 thousand rubles per ton, which is seven thousand rubles more expensive than in July last year. However, a year ago in the same period, due to demand from farmers, a sharp increase in fuel prices began due to its shortage. In a number of regions, agricultural enterprises faced fuel shortages, which forced the authorities to completely ban exports for several weeks.

In August, repairs at refineries will resume in Russia, which is fraught with an increase in the price of diesel fuel to a level after which payments on the damper mechanism stop (currently equal to 66.6 thousand rubles per ton).

According to one of the sources, oil companies, out of fear of losing a damper worth hundreds of billions of rubles, will themselves increase supplies within the country, so an export ban is not too possible in August. However, in September, when the demand for frost-resistant varieties increases, the idea may be relevant.

The authorities have returned the ban on gasoline exports, introduced in September last year, from March 1. It has been suspended since May 20. Against this background, the cost of the Ai-92 variety has approached record values, and the ban has been renewed since August 1.