OREANDA-NEWS  The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region has satisfied Gazprom Export's claims to ban Czech Innogy Energie and French Engie from continuing proceedings in international arbitration, it follows from the case materials.

"To satisfy the application," the decision says.

The arbitration has not yet published the operative and motivational parts.

In addition, the court granted Gazprom Export a similar claim against the French Engie corporation.

The St. Petersburg arbitration Court has already ruled in favor of Gazprom Export, demanding that its former foreign partners be banned from conducting legal disputes abroad. We are talking about the companies OMV Gas Marketing & Trading GmbH (the "daughter" of the Austrian OMV), Gasunie Transport Services (the operator of the Dutch gas transportation system, a subsidiary for the parent Gasunie), Uniper Global Commodities SE and METHA-Methanhandel GmbH.