The Ukrainian Security Service said it blocked the broadcast of banned Russian TV channels and TV channels of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics on the territory of the Luhansk region controlled by Kiev.
The US Department of Commerce confirmed a breach of the computer network of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
In particular, Robert Roos noted that using artificial intelligence and algorithms, these companies track and control the content that users see.
US President wrote that the section 203 is a gift of avoiding responsibility for technology companies.
This was reported to RBC news agency by the press service of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow.
The number of 5G base stations installed by China is 700 thousand units. This is approximately 70% of their total worldwide.
This was reported by journalists with reference to the Court’s press secretary Maryana Gayovskaya.
According to the agency, citing anonymous sources, a group of hackers Fancy Bear tried to hack the email accounts of the offices in the states of California and Indiana.
“Earlier this evening, the Trump campaign website was defaced and we are working with law enforcement authorities to investigate the source of the attack,” the message posted on Twitter reads.
Russian IT company received more than 15 thousand requests; the number of refusals is 2,468.
The charges of violating competition in the field of search services were brought.
According to RBC news agency, this follows from the plan for economic recovery, which was approved last week.