The Volume of Diamond Production of ALROSA Amounted to 38.1 Million Carats in 2018
In the 4th quarter, ALROSA reduced production by 2%, to 10.3 million carats, due to the seasonal cessation of production at placer deposits.
Sales of diamonds in the 4th quarter amounted to 9 million carats, including 5.3 million carats of diamonds of jewelry quality.
"Sales for 12 months amounted to 38.1 million carats (-8% yoy), including 26.4 million carats of jewelry quality diamonds (-12% yoy) and 11.7 million carats of technical quality diamonds (+5% yoy)," the report said.
At the end of 2019, the company expects sales growth of 4% to 38 million carats.
Revenue for 2018 amounted to $ 4,507 billion, an increase of 6% in annual terms.
"Total sales for 12 months increased by $241 million (+6% yoy), to $4,507 million while diamond sales increased by $242 million," the report said.
ALROSA is the world's largest producer of diamonds in carats. The company is engaged in exploration, production and sale of diamonds.
General Director of ALROSA Sergey Ivanov said that the company is ready to take part in diamond mining projects in Zimbabwe.
"I am sure we will be able to discuss the prospects of participation of our companies in the field of exploration and development of fields with a high state of exploration of reserves", — he said.
Ivanov noted that the company does not want to focus on specific projects in this country and plans to continue studying the region. According to ALROSA, Africa accounts for 47 per cent of the world's diamond reserves.
In 2019, Russia took the post of Vice-Chairman of the Kimberley process, which regulates the diamond market, and next year it will take the post of Chairman. This is stated in the Ministry of Finance.