The New Law on Viticulture and Winemaking Increased the Demand for Stavropol Grapes
OREANDA-NEWS. According to the head of the State Institution "Stavropolvinogradplodoprom" Alexey Lysenko, the law on viticulture and winemaking, which came into force in Russia in 2020, increased the demand for domestic, including Stavropol, grapes.
According to the expert, the federal law "On Viticulture and Winemaking in the Russian Federation", which winegrowers and winemakers have been waiting for 30 years, has significantly increased the demand for Russian, including Stavropol grapes.
The new law, in particular, has established a barrier for wines made from imported wine materials. On the labels of such wines, it is necessary to indicate "The product is not wine".
With this law, the legal regulation of domestic viticulture and winemaking begins, and in the future, according to the expert, this should play a serious role in the development of the economy - due to new jobs, import substitution and additional revenues to the budget of the Stavropol region.
However, it is too early to talk about a tangible effect from the adoption of the law, the expert notes. Despite the fact that the law has already entered into force, there is still a lot of work to be done, both on the law itself and on the vineyards have to learn to live and work according to the law. In addition, by-laws are being developed, thanks to which the law will work faster. The quality of its implementation will improve, the requirements will become more stringent.
The new Law on Viticulture and Winemaking introduced a unified legal regulation in the field of production and circulation of viticulture and winemaking products. In addition, the document defines the forms, conditions and procedure for the implementation of state support in this area, establishes the powers of control bodies, state authorities and local self-government.