OREANDA-NEWS The agrarians of the Russian Federation have already collected more than 93 million tons of grain, the forecast for grain harvest for the current year remains at the level of 132 million tons, the office of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev reported.

The statement was made within the framework of a meeting on the situation in the agro-industrial complex of Russia, at which issues of stable functioning of the industry and the course of seasonal field work were considered.

"All grain-producing regions have already started harvesting the new crop. More than ninety-three million tons of grain have been harvested, including seventy and a half million tons of wheat. It is obvious that the final volumes will be affected by adverse weather conditions, which accompany work in some regions of the South, Central Russia and the Volga region for almost the entire season. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Agriculture maintains the forecast for grain harvest at the level of 132 million tons," Patrushev said, whose words are quoted in the message.

Oilseeds, vegetables, potatoes, fruits and berries are also being harvested. Winter sowing is gaining momentum. Currently, its area is 3.3 million hectares. At the same time, the pace is in line with forecast expectations.

The Deputy Prime Minister recalled that it is necessary to continue the transition to domestically produced seeds. There are already tangible results in this direction. Thus, in the structure of winter wheat crops for the current year's harvest, the share of Russian seeds exceeded 90%.

It is noted that in order to provide farmers with the necessary resource base, the government is implementing a set of measures. Thus, more than 94 billion rubles were allocated to the regions in 2024 to support agricultural production and, in particular, seasonal field work. Over 70% of the funds have already been delivered to the recipients. In addition, systemic support mechanisms are provided in the fuel and mineral fertilizers market.

Following the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister issued a number of instructions. In particular, the regions, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia should ensure control over the price situation in the food market. Also, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Antimonopoly Service need to check the supply chains for those products and, if the facts of unjustified price increases are revealed, take measures. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has been instructed to work out measures of customs and tariff regulation for certain categories of goods to saturate the domestic market and stabilize prices.