BHOS students to take internship at “Azerikimya”

OREANDA-NEWS. Baku Higher Oil School and production enterprise “Azerikimya” have signed the cooperation agreement. BHOS rector Elmar Gasimov welcomed the guests and expressed gratitude to the Chairman of “Azerikimya” Supervision Board, member of Milli Mejlis Mukhtar Babayev for support of close cooperation between the higher school and the production enterprise. The main goal of the agreement is establishment of cooperation in the field of education and training and dissemination of knowledge in frames of lifelong conceptions. Chairman of “Azerikimya” supervision board Mukhtar Babayev said the agreement would really be beneficial for students’ becoming highly qualified specialists in future. He said the enterprise would render technical and organizational assistance to BHOS in terms of creating educational and research centers at the campus directed to petroleum processing, oil chemistry and process automation. He particularly stressed that the cooperation would support the projects related to training engineers in accordance with the contemporary educational programmes, involving leading specialists in lecturing activities and organizing field trips for BHOS students. It will also offer opportunities for students’ internship at construction sites during operation phase, joint workshops and conferences dedicated to petroleum processing, oil and chemistry and development of technologies. “Azerikimya” specialists will deliver lectures concerning development of oil and chemistry technologies. The agreement also envisages carrying out a number of works by the specialists of the enterprise in frames of lifelong conception to disseminate the knowledge, including giving expert assessment by the specialists to the projects developed by BHOS in connection with specialists’ training and scientific activities.

Last summer 42 second and third year students studying in BHOS chemical engineering programme took intership at the structures of “Azerikimya”.