EMPLOYEES of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant Are the Republican Stage Winners of the of WorldSkills Russia Championship
OREANDA-NEWS. For the third time running the team of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant achieved significant results in the open regional championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016.
Valentina Vasilyeva, designing technician of the engineering design service, took 1st place in the "Prototyping" competence: development of a 3D model with its mandatory embodiment in hard copy using the 3D-printer. Linar Minnahmetov, designing technician of the engineering design service, was the best in the “CAD Engineering Design“ competence: an automated system that implements the information technology of executing project planning functions. It is worth noting that in 2015 Linar won the Russian World Skills Championship in Kazan in the same competence.
By the results of the regional Championship these participants will go the national WorldSkills Russia Championship to be held in Moscow from 23 till 27 of Nay, 2016.
The regional Championship was held at the exhibition center "Kazan fair" bringing together 454 contestants.
Alina Nayshurbanova (2nd place in the "Prototyping" competence) and Diana Syvorotkina (2nd place in the "CAD Engineering Design competence”), students of the Bugulma mechanical engineering college and technicians of the engineering design service, enrolled in the dual training system also marked themselves. Anastasia Kurkina, the third year student of the Bugulma mechanical engineering college was awarded the 3rd place in the "Prototyping" competence.
The high level of professionalism and competence of the PJSC TATNEFT’s Bugulma Mechanical Plant employees has contributed to inviting Yuri Larionov, Deputy Chief Technology Officer of BMZ, and Alexey Chernukha, equipment designer technician, as experts to the Regional WorldSkills Russia Championship in Kazan
The WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement, which aims at increasing the prestige of working professions and development of vocational education through harmonization of the best practices and professional standards.
The WorldSkills brings together 65 States today including Russia which joined it in 2012. There are 8 regional centers of the World Skills Russia in our country.
The WorldSkills Russia Championship is held within the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Agency of strategic initiatives to promote new projects", aimed at formation of an effective mechanism for training workers for high-tech industries of the Russian Federation. The Bugulma Mechanical Plant has been one of the first enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan to begin participation in the National WorldSkills Championship.